(Britt Page)

Here I am at the Fire Academy...Fall 2000

I joined the fire department in 1975. This is how I looked back then.
Photo taken at a yard sale we held to raise money to paint our 1949 Muster Pumper.


My view from the top of our 100' Maxim aerial ladder back in the early 1980's.

That's me (middle of aerial) heading up the stick to ventilate a 2 story beach side house
in a 3 Alarm fire back in 1986.

I have much to smile about.

My family.... Daughter Ashley, son Alexander, and my wife Robyn.
The best family a guy could ever ask for!
Standing in front of "Station 51" in Los Angeles County.

In the summer of 2000, I completed one of my lifetime dreams...
Visiting the Los Angeles County Fire Station #127... the station used for the 1970's
TV Series "Emergency!"...

Dr. Lloyd Bremer, wife Robyn, Randy Mantooth (John Gage), and myself.
May 2004

Breakfast with Johnny... how cool was that!

Son Alex and daughter Ashley with Randy.



One of the most beautiful lighthouses on Cape Cod is Nobska Light in The Woods Hole
section of Falmouth.

I take a lot of pictures... some are not even of fire trucks.
The autumn colors of New England are some of the most spectacular.

Speaking of spectacular... in 1998 we travelled cross country via RV.
We found this really BIG BIG hole in the ground in Arizona. It was beyond description!

Mount Rushmore in South Dakota... 1998 cross country trip.

Traveling is great... but being at home is great also...
Cape Cod summer time sunset.


I love capturing a good image with my camera...
What could be better than fire trucks and the American flag!


Painted on the side of a fire truck somewhere.... Good Stuff!


How could ya not fall in love with this one!

Every now and then!

I don't often have my camera with me when I am working.
Fortunately I was off duty when this one came in...since I could see the glow from my home,
over a mile away, I brought my camera!
This was a full 2 story house 100% involved on arrival.
I was able to take a few quick pics from the 2nd due apparatus before going to work.

